Website Manager


Remember its just baseball:

Standing at the plate, with heart pounding fast, The bases are loaded, the die has been cast.

Mom and Dad cannot help, they stand all alone, A hit at this moment would send their team home.

The ball meets the plate, there are swings and misses, There are groans from the crowd, with some boos and some hisses.

A thoughtless voice cries "Strike out the bum", Eyes fill with tears, the game's no longer fun.

So open your heart, and give them a break, For moments like this a difference you make.

Keep this in mind when you hear someone forget, They are only little children and not grown up yet.

But having an athlete that is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient and tries their best IS a direct reflection of your parenting.



If you would like to Manage, Coach, or participate in any manor you will need to complete and submit the volunteer application.  Once submitted you will be emailed a background check.  Once this is cleared you will be provided a volunteer badge and may participate on the field.

No badge, no field.  It is for the safety of the children.

The new way to sign up to volunteer is through the sports connect account you created when signing your child up.  Log in and sign up to volunteer.  The application is online only.  If you have any questions please email Scott at [email protected].  If you are new, upload a headshot picture online.  You must also include the Abuse Awareness Certificate of completion.

Registration Instructions:

All volunteers, you will need to fill out the volunteer application, complete the three courses below and save the certificates.  Those will need to be uploaded during registration.  Also a head shot for your badge can be uploaded as well.


Little League Diamond Leader


CDC Heads Up Coarse (Need to Create Login)

Abuse Awareness for Adults

You must sign in and register for the course.


Coaches and Managers

Managers Responsibilities:

Draft the teams 8U and up, schedule the practices, hold parent meetings, organize the lineups for games, come up with practice routines, select your coaches, keep records for games, hand out trophies at the end of the season


Coaches Responsibilities:

Help with practice and games as needed



Pitch Count and Eligibility Forms

Pitch counts and days of rest are outlined in the Little League green rulebook.  Review the maximum number of pitches allowed per game by age group, and the number of days rest needed between games, based on the number of pitches thrown.  There are rules for catchers also when they may or may not be eligible to pitch during a game. As managers and coaches, you are responsible to keep track of players pitch counts and ensure that pitchers are getting the proper amount of rest needed. Violations of these rules will result in a suspension of the manager.
To keep track of pitches, use the pitching log or a pitch counter, and designate a team parent to keep track of pitches during the game, between each inning.  To log how many pitches each player threw during the game and when they are eligible to pitch again, use the pitching eligibility form.  The forms should be signed by the opposing manager after each game, verifying the totals.  You will prevent any disputes after games, and before your next one.

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